About WCOM

The World Compassion Outreach Ministries International (WCOM) was birthed out of obedience to Gods command to “Go” (Mark 16: 15), reach the world for Christ, and extend His mercy and saving grace to all humanity.

Our mission is to provide spiritual, educational, and medical services through ongoing impactful projects throughout Kenya.  Our mission’s reference is Paul’s words in Acts 20:20 “…how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you and taught you publicly and from house to house”

As Paul was moved by compassion for the lost, the people he cared for, he knew that without salvation they were doomed. The desire that they may hear the Word of God, to receive or reject, was his primary challenge. This ministry is concerned with the lost, those dying without a proper presentation of the saving grace of Jesus and others without hearing it at all. We cannot wait for people to come to our churches to hear the Gospel; we must take it where they are with the compassion of Christ.

Africa Missions

WCOM International Office has been actively involved in missions both within the United States and Africa to alleviate human suffering during disasters and other unavoidable catastrophe facing humanity. Our humanitarian support was appreciated during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, water drilling support in Darfur, Sudan, Rwanda resettlement, and Kenya’s post-election war (IDPs) — in this case our sister church received over 600 internal refugees during the fighting. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders for responding to our call for the wounded in Kibera, where dozens of children were treated.


Our WCOM churches in Kenya have raised the awareness of orphans with HIV/AIDS. In this project, the local pastors have engaged in locating these children in the villages and coordinating care for them. They also help to locate the local authorities to make sure that they are not abused by adults and rendered victims like their parents.

Organizational Objectives

  • Evangelize and proclaim the Gospel of Christ in Africa beginning with our immediate surroundings.
  • Train and equip ministry leaders within the church to fulfill ministry goals.
  • Support international ministries in Africa through love gifts and giving.